It is evident that there are degrees or scales regarding access to levels of government. Therefore, it is assumed that there is a negotiation that is normally not within the reach of the media or public opinion. But the public part of the matter is what matters to us since the way of doing politics has changed, because the government—any government—only requires sending a message through the media so that citizens and even in case of conflict externally, the international community can know its opinion on a matter.
Before the massification of the media, especially television, the activities of the government and politicians were very distant and difficult for citizens to follow. Nowadays politicians and politics are closer to the people, they are in their homes through the news and cable television, therefore, both citizens and politicians, and mainly the latter, are more aware of what they say and They do it because they know that they are being seen by their potential voters or rather by opinion leaders, because despite the increase in news coverage, we observe that interest in politics is scarce. This means that the audience for politicians is very small, but very important, since those who make them up are regularly opinion leaders and pass on the content they receive to other members of society.
The effect on the increase in information coverage and therefore in the exposure of politicians to the various audiences, although it has not provided an increase in interest in politics, nor in its monitoring, has allowed, for example, citizens to Currently, they have cable television to watch live broadcasts of the sessions of the Congress of the Republic, and although the levels of tuning are almost zero, these have corroborated many of the prejudices and stereotypes that the media summarize in regarding the debate and the interventions of the congressmen.
[1] EASTON, Ob. Cit., p. 58.
[2] SARTORI, Ob. Cit., p. 127.
[3] SARTORI, Ob. Cit., p. 153.
[4] DEUTSCH, KARL W., The analysis of international relations. Buenos Aires – Argentina, Paidós, 1968, p. 135.
[5] Ibíd., p. 155.
[6] DAHL, ROBERT A. Polyarchy participation and opposition, D.F. – México, REI, 1993, p. 19.
[7] AREND LIJPHART, The contemporary democracies, Barcelona – España, Ariel S. A. 1era Edición, 1987, p. 20.
[8] 1. Formulate your preferences; 2. Publicly express these preferences among their supporters and before the government, individually and collectively; 3. Receive equal treatment from the government: that is, it must not make any discrimination due to the content or origin of such preferences. Ob. Cit., p. 14.
[9] SARTORI, Ob. Cit., p. 144.
[10] Ibíd., p. 145
[11] DEUTSCH, Ob. Cit., p. 130
[12] Loc. Cit.